Saturday, August 29, 2009

heloo kembali

Helooooo world ,omigod ,i spend around 3 hours (slept),HAHHAHAA!liikee omigosshh ,HHAHAHHAA! so school was okay just now ,LOL aloads ,HAHHAHAA! then we didnt had our p.e so we went to confference room ,hahhaa! well dengar councelling ,hahhaaa! then we were asked to do our 'problem mengenai pelajaran' ,yeaahh! ,hahhahahaa!then this was funny part ,my friend a.k.a ahlieynaa said to us : masalah global ,then i was like 'ohh masalah berogol' ,hahhahaaa outttttt jua tue ,ahhahahhaa! like global sound like rogol ,hahhahahaa! okay watevarr ,ahhahhaa!and i'm suck in maths like bla bla bla ,hahahhaa! i think imma gonna inactive my blogger until qualyfyin is over ,ahhahaa! ohh qualyfyin is on mon -bm 1 and eng1- okayy ,hahahhaa! need to study aloadsss ,and ALOTSS ,hahaaa! and i'm happy because my borother is goin to his friend's house at 5 pm so i can use his macbook ,hahhahaa! okay ,i was planning just now to study hist or maybe maths tonight ,hahaa! 

and goodluck all candidates :) ,all the best ,wish us can thru our exams with the flying colours :)  Xo