Monday, August 31, 2009

Hellooo manusiaaa ,hey wait ,i think aku belum link someone on my new blog ne ,haissshh ,sunnguh tired! and i'm so tiring ne like gaaahhhh ,HAHAHHAA :) ,okay okay ,did i said that i'll be inactive nahhh active juakan ,dasar gaguann setan! hahhahaaa astaghfirullah ,okay ,the exam was difficult just now ,NOT EASY AND NOT HARD! sadangg~ ,i think i forgot to add to many direct speech so what because i love my story ,HHAHAHAHA :) ,then i felt so thirsthy when i did my exam paper jst now ,HAHHAHAAA! then exam just now were bm 1 and eng 1 ,and aku pilih composition rh eng was 'he ran from the dark corner,he looked pale and very scared' yeah i choosed thats story then i just membual lah ,namanya farhan that guy yg dlm story ku ,hahahhahaaaa ,okay i dont wanna tell yguys what i did on my composition just now ,hahhahaa because inda menarik ceritanya ,so what aku thirsty at the time so aku buat-buat lah ,hahahhahaa!

 tommorow i'll having eng 2 and bm2 and i'm currently reading about 'berani kerana benar ,takut kerana salah' ,hahahaa ,thats qsn sja stucked in my head ,HAHHAA lols ,and today is malaysia independet ,yg ku sibuk ne napaa aa ,HAHHAHAA :) 
MEREDEKAA ,HAHHAHA lol ,beetter off now ,goodbye blogger ,sayonaara and asalamualaikum and i'll having chicken kfc later on during sungkai ,*be very jealouse peeps* ,HAHHAHAHA okay done :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

heloo kembali

Helooooo world ,omigod ,i spend around 3 hours (slept),HAHHAHAA!liikee omigosshh ,HHAHAHHAA! so school was okay just now ,LOL aloads ,HAHHAHAA! then we didnt had our p.e so we went to confference room ,hahhaa! well dengar councelling ,hahhaaa! then we were asked to do our 'problem mengenai pelajaran' ,yeaahh! ,hahhahahaa!then this was funny part ,my friend a.k.a ahlieynaa said to us : masalah global ,then i was like 'ohh masalah berogol' ,hahhahaaa outttttt jua tue ,ahhahahhaa! like global sound like rogol ,hahhahahaa! okay watevarr ,ahhahhaa!and i'm suck in maths like bla bla bla ,hahahhaa! i think imma gonna inactive my blogger until qualyfyin is over ,ahhahaa! ohh qualyfyin is on mon -bm 1 and eng1- okayy ,hahahhaa! need to study aloadsss ,and ALOTSS ,hahaaa! and i'm happy because my borother is goin to his friend's house at 5 pm so i can use his macbook ,hahhahaa! okay ,i was planning just now to study hist or maybe maths tonight ,hahaa! 

and goodluck all candidates :) ,all the best ,wish us can thru our exams with the flying colours :)  Xo

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hello blogger

Haii ,i'm new ,hahhaa no i'm just kiddin ,yeah i think imma annoying i mean like i always deleted my blog then sign up again and again .yeaahhh ,hahhahaha! and i wanna say to you people ,happy fasting month and seriously i feel so hungry right now like aaahhh! ,HAHHAHA! and school was okay ,fun and yeahh ,and i think i shud strt study today beccause qualyfyin exam is coming soon i mean 4 more days ,HHAAAAAA! and aku afal historyy ,okay okay lah ,HAHAHA! i think i will post banyak-banyak after diz qualyfyin ,HAHHAHAHAHA! okayyy hello to my new blogger <3

HAHHAA! okay ,i would like to greet happy birthday anwar irsyad ,shikin affendy ,and happy belated birthday to rafidaah :) ,ve a blast kamuu :) ,urmm :/ ,nevermind ,i dont wanna talk abouttttttttttt ,apanaahh! ,HAHAHHA wth am i saying and i'm currently listening to thug story-taylor swift ,i love this song ,HAHHAHAHA! and sungkai inda lama lagi ,nooo ,lama lagii ,HAHAHHAHAA! just now aku gastrict then i told my mum ,HAHHAHAA! my mum said to me 'nahh siapa suruh kau diet' i was like 'am i on diet ,i think noo because i look like maintain sha ,HAHHAHAHAA! WEll if you think i'm on diet ,yeahh its up to you ,HAHAHAHHAA :)

andddd i wanna make confeesion that i still loooveeeeee........ my tshirt ,HAHAHAA! suspen bunyinyaaa and i always farting during this puasa time ,HAHHAHAHAHHAAA! and i was wonderinGG ,hahahaa! okay chio ,goodbyeeee loversss :)